If you’re looking to revamp your garden without a full design, then planting can be the perfect way in which to give you garden a boost. Sometimes shrubs can get leggy and past their best, and schemes can get a little lost over time.

We can look at reinvigorating your borders with new trees, bulbs, shrubs and perennials to give you seasonal interest all year round.

We can utilise existing plants or start over anew with fresh ideas and colours. I can prepare full plans, combined with images and descriptions of all suggested plants, with quotations to supply and to install all new plants, as well as preparing maintenance schedules to follow if required.

New planting can be planned throughout the year, with actual planting best executed from September to April. We can also look at your soil health to ensure your new planting gets the best start in life.


Planting plans




Courtyard and Small Gardens


Plymouth Marjon University